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November 2020

November 2020

Letter from the editor

It's coming towards the end of the year so time to review those goals you made at the start. It's never too late to finish off what you've started.

It's been recently trending to start making changes and differences. Like everyone else you may have googled '2020 election' on your 3G from I block and kept track of that new change. And in November there is plenty of time and opportunity to make some differences.


1. We may not have as much facial hair, but it's the month of Movember to bring awareness to men's health.

2. If you've noticed, around the school there have been boxes around to encourage you to donate and recycle your old stationery. Thanks, Green Team!

3. In week 7, Social Justice and the Prefects are holding a food drive with Toys and Tucker and Anglicare. Why don't you come and donate a little something for someone in need?

There is so much to explore and do. If you can't seem to get back on track with those missed goals in January try doing something new. This month along with our usual student entries (send 'em in!), the Ham Team will also be curating a few special articles to get you thinking about how to make some positive and new differences in your life and the life of others. Start a diary, a business, a petition or a letter-writing campaign.

Now is the time to consider making some new differences.

Peace out, Piggies!

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